
Live and Live Webinar Workshops for The Institute for Grief Massage Inc

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 15 CE class is offered as a 2 day live workshop & as a live webinar 5 class series. FULLY ONLINE VERSION COMING SOON. Our Grief Massage classes offer education, inspiration, structure and support.


$395 - 5 Class Series (15 CE) The Joy of Grief Massage: FRIDAY MORNINGS (MAY 2025)
to May 30

$395 - 5 Class Series (15 CE) The Joy of Grief Massage: FRIDAY MORNINGS (MAY 2025)

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 5 Class Zoom Training Series

Learn how to provide soothing massage & compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Join us for an online learning event where you can learn and grow in the field of Grief Massage. This training is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to provide compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Led by Aimee Joy Taylor, creator of the Safe and Gentle Grief Massage modality, this event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the art of Grief Massage. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this program will help you develop a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of grief.

Don't miss out on this valuable chance to expand your expertise and make a difference in the lives of others.

Visit our Thinkific website to register here.

This 5 part training series meets virtually on FRIDAYS from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm EST on the following dates:

5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30

About this class

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" webinar class series, we train students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

Virtual class dates:

Here’s our class schedule (registration is for all 5 classes):

1: FRIDAY 5/2 - 10:30 AM -1:30 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class One: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System" - Distant Learning- 3 CE

2. FRIDAY 5/9 - 10:30 -1:30 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Two: Grief Massage Intake and Protocols" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

3. FRIDAY 5/16 - 10:30 - 1:30 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Three: The Grief Massage Sequence" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

4. FRIDAY 5/23 - 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Four: Emotional Release & Scope of Practice" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

5. FRIDAY 5/30 - 10:30 AM - 1:30PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Five: Developing Grief Massage Programs" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 9 students)

Class will meet five times online via Zoom (live web conferencing) and you will be encouraged to learn, take notes, share, and reflect during class.

Not only will you be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Important Details About Continuing Education:

Each of the five distant learning courses in the series is approved by the NCBTMB for continuing education.

Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are approved for 3 CE each. The total CE for the entire class series is 15 CE.

You will receive an individual 3 CE certificate for each weekly class completed, not a single certificate for a combined total of 15 CE.

After each weekly class meeting, you will take a short quiz on the subject matter covered. After scoring at least 70% score on the quiz (and evaluating the class) you will receive your CE certificate.

Each class must be attended in its entirety and students are responsible for ensuring their computers, internet access, and Zoom application are in working order.

If a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

If a student misses class or misses a portion of class, the instructor MAY be able to schedule a make-up session but this is not guaranteed, If a makeup session is able to be scheduled, students are responsible to pay the additional tuition.

Each class meeting will include a 10 minute break per hour of the course and time is scheduled for students to complete their quiz during the class.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Register for this class series by creating a user account on our Thinkific school website and registering for the 5 class series by paying tuition.

Once you are registered for the class series, you will have instant access to a printable workbook for each of the 5 classes (inside the Thinkific portal) and you will find Zoom links for all 5 classes within the Thinkific. portal.

Please contact the instructor at the email address provided within the Thinkific portal with any questions once you have registered.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending each class in its entirety, as well as for ensuring that your computer, internet access, Zoom download/running of the Zoom application are in working order.

The instructor is not responsible for any technical failure, internet connectivity issues, or other factors that may interfere with a student's ability to attend or participate in a scheduled class.

Further, by registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

The deadline to register for this class series is MAY 1, 2025.

Payment and Fee Information:

This package consists of a 5 class in a training series. It is recommended to register for all 5 classes together.

Each individual class in the series is 3 CE and is priced at $199.

When you register for the entire 5 class series, you are eligible for bundle pricing ($395 for all 5 classes/15 CE total).

Payment is due in full at the time of registration and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class) or a technical failure on the part of the instructor that causes class to be cancelled.

In the rare event of such an emergency or technical failure, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of that class.

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency or technical failure on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, every effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

Registration link:

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JOIN THE WAITLIST: 40 CE Grief Massage Zoom Training Series
to Dec 7

JOIN THE WAITLIST: 40 CE Grief Massage Zoom Training Series

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 40 CE Training Series: A 6 month program

Learn how to provide soothing massage & compassionate support to those experiencing grief, with small group training held online over a 6 month period.

Join us for a fully online event where you can learn and grow in the field of Grief Massage. This training and mentoring program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to provide compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Led by Aimee Joy Taylor, creator of the Safe and Gentle Grief Massage modality, this event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the art of Grief Massage. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this program will help you develop a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of grief.

Don't miss out on this valuable chance to expand your expertise and make a difference in the lives of others.

40 hour/40 CE Training

We will meet for Zoom classes from 9 am to 6 pm EST on the last Sunday of each month and at the end of the program we will meet for a 2 hour (optional) group mentoring session to integrate all you have learned and provide support in stepping out into the world as a Grief Massage practitioner.

This extended 40 hour/40 CE training is a deep dive into the Grief Massage training curriculum which allows time for meaningful discussions of the aspects of grief, bodywork, our role as Grief Massage practitioners, and the change we hope to create in the world.

We offer this training in a 15 hour/15 CE format over a 5 week period via Zoom as well.

This longer training 40 hour/40 CE program is appropriate for massage therapists who

- like to dive deep and have in-depth lengthy discussions about what they are learning

-have many questions and insights about Grief Massage that they would like to share and receive feedback on

-may wish to develop their own Grief Massage training program or teach at some point in the future (note: while this is not a teacher training program, it provides a very in-depth and detailed experience of the curriculum, which may be useful for sharing these ideas with others)

Contact Aimee directly at aimeetaylor(at)griefmassage(dot)org to apply, join the waitlist and learn how to register for this 40 hour training program..

This 5 part training series meets virtually via Zoom over the course of 6 months, June- December 2025.

Class 1 (8 hours of learning) will meet from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday. There will be a one hour lunch break and many small breaks throughout the day to pause, ground and tend to the body (eat snacks, move, hydrate etc). This first class meeting will focus on “Grief the Body and the Nervous System” and will guide students through a thorough understanding of current research on the impacts of grief on the body, current grief theories, and an exploration of how touch and co-regulation with a calm and grounded massage therapist can have a beneficial effect on grievers. Students will be empowered to connect the dots between grief and massage therapy and to begin developing a Grief Massage “elevator speech” in service of raising awareness of the benefits of touch during times of loss.

Class 2 (8 hours of learning ) will meet from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday. There will be a one hour lunch break and many small breaks throughout the day to pause, ground and tend to the body (eat snacks, move, hydrate etc). This second class meeting, “Grief Massage Intake and Protocols” will focus on the unique needs of grieving massage clients from first contact (phone call or email outreach) through every step of the booking and intake process. Students will be empowered to create a heart centered cancellation policy and practice rules for Grief Massage, along with a grief-focused intake tools such as a script for inquiry phone calls with potential new Grief Massage clients and a “What to Expect” document for new clients once an appointment is booked. Students will learn the BEST protocol (BEST is an acronym for the 4 step process Aimee has created for inquiry phone calls with potential new Grief Massage clients), and will also be encouraged to explore modifications and accommodations that can be made for the intake paperwork process in order to make the experience grief-sensitive.

Class 3 (8 hours of learning ) will meet from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday. There will be a one hour lunch break and many small breaks throughout the day to pause, ground and tend to the body (eat snacks, move, hydrate etc). This third class meeting, “The Grief Massage Sequence” will focus on presenting up-to-date research and practical real-life examples of techniques, approaches and bodywork styles that can benefit grievers by assisting with relaxation and creating a felt sense of safety. Students will be empowered to create their own unique hands-on Grief Massage approach if desired, and will also be presented with demo videos of Aimee’s signature approach “Safe and Gentle Grief Massage” (students will receive sequence sheets and full instruction in Aimee’s approach and are welcome to utilize Safe and Gentle Grief Massage” or to modify it as desired). Topics of discussion will include: pacing, pressure, addressing areas of client discomfort (i.e. sore shoulders, tight jaw or neck) without adopting a “fixing” or “goal oriented” mindset, and how to create a trauma-informed experience by giving clients the option to remain clothed for the massage.

Class 4 (8 hours of learning ) will meet from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday. There will be a one hour lunch break and many small breaks throughout the day to pause, ground and tend to the body (eat snacks, move, hydrate etc). This fourth class meeting, “Emotional Release and Scope of Practice” will focus on how to create a safe container for the Grief Massage experience by tending to important boundaries. Students will be empowered to define their scope of practice as a massage therapist and craft language and scripts for communicating their scope of practice to clients. Students will engage in ethical explorations of how and why massage therapy scope of practice protects clients AND practitioners of Grief Massage. And, students will have the opportunity to learn about and discuss the importance and prevalence of emotional release. Our exploration of emotional release in the Grief Massage setting will include: specific ways that emotional release may manifest physically, how to remain in scope of practice by “handling” but not “processing” emotional release, ways to remain grounded and present with a client actively experiencing emotional release, how to prepare clients for the possibility of emotional release and communicate your confidence in the process (convey that emotional release occurs organically and can be trusted), how to assist a client in grounding after an emotional release, and specific forms of after-care and support that can be offered to clients after Grief Massage.

Class 5 (8 hours of learning ) will meet from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday. There will be a one hour lunch break and many small breaks throughout the day to pause, ground and tend to the body (eat snacks, move, hydrate etc). This fifth class meeting “Developing and Grief Massage Programs” will focus on multiple opportunities students may have to bring Grief Massage into their communities: through private practice, through employment settings, and even through non-profit/grant-funded projects. Students will learn about all 3 options for creating Grief Massage programs and will be assisted in reflecting upon their current preferences and resources for creating a program. Students will also be encouraged to create a personal Self-Care plan to assist in burnout prevention and to promote the ethical practice of Grief Massage, as well as to develop a pricing structure that reflects their true worth and that honors their own needs for income and energy exchange. Aimee will also share marketing insights that may be helpful to new Grief Massage practitioners.

A final (optional) Group Mentoring call will occur for the cohort to reunite. During this 2 hour Sunday Zoom meeting from 10 am to 12 pm, students will be welcomed to share their experiences post-training, gain support and encouragement, get questions answered, and reconnect with their peers from the training.

You are welcome to participate in the class to your comfort level, and each 8 hour training session will be accompanied by a printable workbook for recording thoughts, insights and “aha” moments from class.

About this class

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" weekend webinar training, we guide students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 9 students)

Class will meet via Zoom (live web conferencing) and you will be encouraged to learn, take notes, share, and reflect during class.

You will be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, and you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Details About Mentoring

You will have the opportunity to receive compassionate, caring support from Aimee in a group setting after the 5 all day training meetings have been completed.

This package includes a 2 hour group follow-up mentoring session with Aimee at the end of the class series, to explore and discuss your vision for offering Grief Massage in your practice.

As the creator of this course, an experienced Grief Massage practitioner, and trained counselor, Aimee has the ability to listen, reflect and offer unique insights to empower you on your path to offering Grief Massage in your own way. The group mentoring session will also allow you to reconnect with other students from the course and offer support while rooting deeply into the power of community.

Please note that while Aimee is a trained mental health practitioner, she will not be providing any mental health services or therapy during your group mentoring session.

Mentoring will focus on integrating the information from the course, visioning how Grief Massage will fit into your current practice, and exploring your unique ideas and inspirations for bringing touch to grieving people in your community.

Important Details About Continuing Education:

This training series of 5 eight hour learning sessions is approved by the NCBTMB for 40 hours continuing education.

A 40 hour continuing education (CE) certificate will be presented to students at the end of the 5 training meetings (if all meetings have been attended)..

Each class/topic meeting must be attended in its entirety and students are responsible for ensuring their computers, internet access, and Zoom application are in working order.

If a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

Makeups are not available.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Register for this class series by contacting Aimee directly at She will verify that you are a licensed massage therapists and will schedule a short 15 minute call to answer any questions about this training for you, and to ensure that the program is a good fit for your needs. We are currently building a waitlist, and when a cohort forms, classes will be scheduled and will begin.

Tuition for this six month 40 CE/ 40 hour program is $1053.

Once the waitlist builds a sufficient cohort, you can formally apply for this program. Upon acceptance of your registration application, Aimee will arrange a PayPal invoice for you to pay tuition. If you are in need of a payment plan please speak with Aimee directly about options. There is no fee to join the waitlist.

An electronic class printable PDF workbook will be emailed to you prior to the start of the class series.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending each class/topic meeting in its entirety, as well as for ensuring that your computer, internet access, Zoom download/running of the Zoom application are in working order.

The instructor is not responsible for any technical failure, internet connectivity issues, or other factors that may interfere with a student's ability to attend or participate in a scheduled class.

Further, by registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

We are currently building a waitlist. Contact Aimee to join.

Payment and Fee Information:

This package consists of a 5 part Zoom training (40 CE) accessibly priced at $1053 and one 2-hour group mentoring session. Attendance at the group mentoring session is optional. The mentoring session will not be recorded.

The total cost of this training and mentoring package is $1053.

Please note that this price is subject to change at any time.

Payment is due in full at the time of registration (unless a payment plan has been agreed upon and arranged) and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class) or a technical failure on the part of the instructor that causes class to be cancelled.

In the rare event of such an emergency or technical failure, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of that class.

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency or technical failure on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, every effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

The Institute for Grief Massage Inc is a continuing education Approved Provider by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Approved Provider #521.

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JOIN THE WAITLIST: Live In-Person 2 Day Training (15 CE) October 2025
11:00 AM11:00

JOIN THE WAITLIST: Live In-Person 2 Day Training (15 CE) October 2025

We have a waitlist for a live 2-day in-person weekend training to be held in Charlotte NC in October 2025.

Please contact Aimee at aimeetaylor(at)griefmassage(dot)org to join the waitlist or schedule a phone call to talk about the live training and see if it would meet your needs!

2 day live trainings are limited to 9 students, and include an opportunity for hands-on practice.

We must have at least 4 participants in order to reserve the classroom space. Class will be held on a weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in October. Exact Dates to Be Determined.

Saturday Day One: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm EST

Topics will be:

Grief, the Body & the Nervous System:

Grief Massage Intake & Protocols:

The Grief Massage Sequence:

Sunday Day Two: 10:30 am - 5:30 pm EST

Topics will be:

Emotional Release & Scope of Practice

Developing Grief Massage Programs

When we meet in person, snacks will be provided and we will take many breaks to ground, connect with nature, listen to music and share. Being human is encouraged! Please plan to wear comfortable clothing!

This live training requires at least 4 participants. The waitlist currently has 1 person. When you add your name to the waitlist, that helps the instructor gage interest before reserving the classroom space.

Please reach out with any questions. See the description of the curriculum below:

About Our “The Joy of Grief Massage” Curriculum

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" webinar class series, we train students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

Virtual class dates:

To Be Determined. Waitlist is accepting potential participants for a weekend 2-day live training in October 2025. The needs and preferences of participants will determine which weekend in October 2025 is selected. We require at least 4 participants in order to reserve the classroom space.

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 9 students)

The training will weave together group discussion and sharing (always optional), presentation of topics by the instructor, and experiential activities to ensure that the material is well digested and integrated by students.

Not only will you be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Important Details About Continuing Education:

he live training weekend features “The Joy of Grief Massage Live 2 Day Training” is approved for 15 CE by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. The Institute for Grief Massage Inc is a NCBTMB continuing education Approved Provider (#521)..

Each class session must be attended in its entirety and if a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

If a student misses class or misses a portion of class, a CE certificate cannot be issued.

Each hour of class meeting will include a 10 minute break.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Registration is not yet open. We currently have a wait list of interested potential participants. Join the waitlist by contacting the instructor.

Once registration opens, you will be able to register for this class on our Thinkific website. Once you are registered for the class, you will have access to a printable workbook to bring to the live training.

Please contact the instructor at the email address provided within the Thinkific portal with any questions once you have registered.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending the training weekend in its entirety. There is one 15 CE certificate offered at the end of the weekend to participants who attended all sessions.

By registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

The deadline to register for this live training will be October 1, 2025. However, as the exact training date (weekend) is to be determined, and we do not yet have the required 4 participants, we are offering a waitlist. The waitlist can be joined by contacting the instructor.

Payment and Fee Information:

The tuition for the 2-day 15 CE live training is $395.

When you register for the live 2 day class, tuition is due in full ($395). There is no fee to join the waitlist.

Payment is due in full at the time of registration and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class).

In the rare event of such an emergency, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of the training..

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, every effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

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$395 - 5 Class Series (15 CE) The Joy of Grief Massage: SUNDAY EVENINGS (MARCH 2025)
to Mar 30

$395 - 5 Class Series (15 CE) The Joy of Grief Massage: SUNDAY EVENINGS (MARCH 2025)

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 5 Class Zoom Training Series

Learn how to provide soothing massage & compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Join us for an online learning event where you can learn and grow in the field of Grief Massage. This training is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to provide compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Led by Aimee Joy Taylor, creator of the Safe and Gentle Grief Massage modality, this event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the art of Grief Massage. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this program will help you develop a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of grief.

Don't miss out on this valuable chance to expand your expertise and make a difference in the lives of others.

Visit our Thinkific website to register here.

This 5 part training series meets virtually on SUNDAYS FROM 5-8 PM EST on the following dates:

3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23 and 3/30

About this class

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" webinar class series, we train students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

Virtual class dates:

Here’s our class schedule (registration is for all 5 classes):

1: SUNDAY 3/2 - 5-8 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class One: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System" - Distant Learning- 3 CE

2. SUNDAY 3/9 - 5-8 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Two: Grief Massage Intake and Protocols" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

3. SUNDAY 3/16 - 5-8 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Three: The Grief Massage Sequence" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

4. SUNDAY 3/23 - 5-8 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Four: Emotional Release & Scope of Practice" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

5. SUNDAY 3/30 - 5-8 PM EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Five: Developing Grief Massage Programs" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 9 students)

Class will meet five times online via Zoom (live web conferencing) and you will be encouraged to learn, take notes, share, and reflect during class.

Not only will you be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Important Details About Continuing Education:

Each of the five distant learning courses in the series is approved by the NCBTMB for continuing education.

Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are approved for 3 CE each. The total CE for the entire class series is 15 CE.

You will receive an individual 3 CE certificate for each weekly class completed, not a single certificate for a combined total of 15 CE.

After each weekly class meeting, you will take a short quiz on the subject matter covered. After scoring at least 70% score on the quiz (and evaluating the class) you will receive your CE certificate.

Each class must be attended in its entirety and students are responsible for ensuring their computers, internet access, and Zoom application are in working order.

If a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

If a student misses class or misses a portion of class, the instructor MAY be able to schedule a make-up session but this is not guaranteed, If a makeup session is able to be scheduled, students are responsible to pay the additional tuition.

Each class meeting will include a 10 minute break per hour of the course and time is scheduled for students to complete their quiz during the class.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Register for this class series by creating a user account on our Thinkific school website and registering for the 5 class series by paying tuition.

Once you are registered for the class series, you will have instant access to a printable workbook for each of the 5 classes (inside the Thinkific portal) and you will find Zoom links for all 5 classes within the Thinkific. portal.

Please contact the instructor at the email address provided within the Thinkific portal with any questions once you have registered.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending each class in its entirety, as well as for ensuring that your computer, internet access, Zoom download/running of the Zoom application are in working order.

The instructor is not responsible for any technical failure, internet connectivity issues, or other factors that may interfere with a student's ability to attend or participate in a scheduled class.

Further, by registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

The deadline to register for this class series is March 1, 2025.

Payment and Fee Information:

This package consists of a 5 class in a training series. It is recommended to register for all 5 classes together.

Each individual class in the series is 3 CE and is priced at $199.

When you register for the entire 5 class series, you are eligible for bundle pricing ($395 for all 5 classes/15 CE total).

Payment is due in full at the time of registration and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class) or a technical failure on the part of the instructor that causes class to be cancelled.

In the rare event of such an emergency or technical failure, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of that class.

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency or technical failure on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, every effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

Registration link:

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Grief Massage Zoom Weekend Training Series + Group Mentoring Session : 10/26 & 10/27 (Mentoring on 11/16)
to Oct 27

Grief Massage Zoom Weekend Training Series + Group Mentoring Session : 10/26 & 10/27 (Mentoring on 11/16)

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 5 Class Zoom WEEKEND TRAINING

Learn how to provide soothing massage & compassionate support to those experiencing grief, with small group training held online over 2 days.

Join us for a fully online event where you can learn and grow in the field of Grief Massage. This training and mentoring program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to provide compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Led by Aimee Joy Taylor, creator of the Safe and Gentle Grief Massage modality, this event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the art of Grief Massage. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this program will help you develop a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of grief.

Don't miss out on this valuable chance to expand your expertise and make a difference in the lives of others.

Visit our Eventbrite page to register.

This 5 part training series meets virtually via Zoom over the course of two days.

Join us on Saturday October 26, 2024 from 9 am -7 pm EST (one hour reserved for a lunch break) and on Sunday October 27, 2024 from 10 am - 5 pm EST (one hour reserved for a lunch break).

Saturday will feature a 3 hour training on Class 1 Grief, the Body & the Nervous System (3 CE), a 3 hour training on Class 2 Grief Massage Intake & Protocols (3 CE) and a 3 hour training on Class 3 The Grief Massage Sequence (3 CE). We will take short self-care breaks throughout the day as well as a full hour for lunch.

Sunday will feature a 3 hour training on Class 4 Emotional Release and Scope of Practice (3 CE) and a 3 hour training on Class 5 Developing Grief Massage Programs (3 CE). We will take short self-care breaks throughout the day as well as a full hour for lunch.

You are welcome to participate in the class to your comfort level, and each 3 hour training session will feature a short, open-book quiz prior to issuance of your CE certificate for that topic.

3 weeks later, you are invited to rejoin your cohort of massage therapists/Grief Massage trainees for a 2 hour group mentoring session, to support you in implanting what you learned in the course. Research shows that training + mentorship is a powerful experience and the group mentorship Zoom meeting on Saturday November 16 from 10 am to 12 pm EST will be offered as an optional support tool for your path toward offering Grief Massage.

About this class

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" weekend webinar training, we guide students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

Virtual class dates:

Here’s our class schedule:

Saturday 10/26

9 am - 12 pm: Welcome, discussion and sharing, training on Grief, the Body & the Nervous System (3 short 10 minute breaks included)

LUNCH (12-1 pm)

1 pm -4 pm: Small group discussion and sharing, training on Grief Massage Intake & Protocols (3 short 10 minute breaks included)

4 pm - 7 pm: Small group discussion and sharing, training on The Grief Massage Sequence (3 short 10 minute breaks included). Time will be spent viewing a Grief Massage demo video together and relevant research will also be shared.

We will close with a short grounding invitation.

Saturday 10/26

10 am - 1 pm: Welcome, discussion and sharing, training on Emotional Release & Scope of Practice (3 short 10 minute breaks included)

LUNCH (1-2 pm)

2 pm - 5 pm: Small group discussion and sharing, training on Developing Grief Massage Programs (3 short 10 minute breaks included). Time will be spent brainstorming and sharing ideas for your Grief Massage program as a group.

We will close with a short grounding invitation and you will be welcomed to share insights and takeaways from the weekend training experience.

Saturday November 16

10 am - 12 pm EST: Optional group mentoring session, support and follow-up with Aimee. Reconnect with your cohort and bring your questions, ideas, and roadblocks (if you are having difficulty with implementing part of your training, odds are someone else in the group has encountered the roadblock too!)

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 9 students)

Class will meet via Zoom (live web conferencing) and you will be encouraged to learn, take notes, share, and reflect during class.

Not only will you be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Details About Mentoring

You will have the opportunity to receive compassionate, caring support from Aimee in a group setting after the weekend workshop ends.

This package includes a two hour-long group follow-up mentoring sessions with Aimee at the end of the class series, to explore and discuss your vision for offering Grief Massage in your practice.

As the creator of this course, an experienced Grief Massage practitioner, and trained counselor, Aimee has the ability to listen, reflect and offer unique insights to empower you on your path to offering Grief Massage in your own way. The group mentoring session will also allow you to reconnect with other students from the course and offer support while rooting deeply into the power of community.

The group mentoring session will be offered on Saturday November 16, 2024 from 10 am to 12 pm EST via Zoom.

Please note that while Aimee is a trained mental health practitioner, she will not be providing any mental health services or therapy during your group mentoring session.

Mentoring will focus on integrating the information from the course, visioning how Grief Massage will fit into your current practice, and exploring your unique ideas and inspirations for bringing touch to grieving people in your community.

Important Details About Continuing Education:

Each of the five distant learning topics is a course in the series is approved by the NCBTMB for continuing education.

Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are approved for 3 CE each. The total CE for the entire class series is 15 CE.

You will receive an individual 3 CE certificate for each class completed, not a single certificate for a combined total of 15 CE.

After each class/topic meeting, you will take a short open-book quiz on the subject matter covered. After scoring at least 70% score on the quiz (and evaluating the class) you will receive your CE certificate.

Each class/topic meeting must be attended in its entirety and students are responsible for ensuring their computers, internet access, and Zoom application are in working order.

If a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

Makeups are not available.

Each class/topic meeting will include a 10 minute break per hour of the course and time is scheduled for students to complete their quiz during the class.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Register for this class series by purchasing a ticket on Eventbrite. Please visit our Eventbrite page. Once you have purchased your ticket through Eventbrite, you are officially registered for the entire 5 class series.

Once you have registered and purchased your ticket through Eventbrite, the instructor will contact you within 48 hours via email with welcome information and some optional suggestions to help you prepare for the class.

Please contact the instructor at with any questions once you have registered through Eventbrite.

An electronic class workbook will be emailed to you prior to the start of the class series.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending each class/topic meeting in its entirety, as well as for ensuring that your computer, internet access, Zoom download/running of the Zoom application are in working order.

The instructor is not responsible for any technical failure, internet connectivity issues, or other factors that may interfere with a student's ability to attend or participate in a scheduled class.

Further, by registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

The deadline to register for this class series is October 1, 2024. However, space for this workshop is limited and once 9 students have registered, the course will be full and registration will end. If all spaces are not filled by October 1, 2024, the registration period may be extended.

Payment and Fee Information:

This package consists of a 5 part small group Zoom training (15 CE) valued at $329 and one 2-hour group mentoring session valued at $250. Group mentoring session will be conducted via Zoom on Saturday November 16 from 10 - 12 pm EST. Attendance at the group mentoring session is optional. The mentoring session will not be recorded.

The total cost of this training and mentoring package is $579.

Please note that this price is subject to change at any time.

The current tuition rate breaks down to approximately $22 per class hour for training and $125 per hour for group mentoring.

Payment is due in full at the time of registration and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class) or a technical failure on the part of the instructor that causes class to be cancelled.

In the rare event of such an emergency or technical failure, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of that class.

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency or technical failure on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, ev

ery effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

View Event →
Grief Massage Zoom Training Series + Mentoring : October/November 2023
to Nov 3

Grief Massage Zoom Training Series + Mentoring : October/November 2023

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 5 Class Zoom Training Series + Mentoring

Learn how to provide soothing massage & compassionate support to those experiencing grief, with training + 1:1 mentoring sessions held online.

Join us for an online event where you can learn and grow in the field of Grief Massage. This training and mentoring program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to provide compassionate support to those experiencing grief.

Led by Aimee Joy Taylor, creator of the Safe and Gentle Grief Massage modality, this event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the art of Grief Massage. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this program will help you develop a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of grief.

Don't miss out on this valuable chance to expand your expertise and make a difference in the lives of others.

Visit our Eventbrite here page to register.

This 5 part training series meets virtually on Fridays 10:30 am - 1:30 pm EST on the following dates:

10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 & 11/3

This package includes two valuable individual hour-long mentoring sessions with Aimee after the training ends. These mentoring sessions will focus on empowering you in your specific practice, and exploring your background, interests, concerns and ideas pertaining to Grief Massage. Your mentoring sessions can be booked on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays throughout November and December 2023.

About this class

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" webinar class series, we train students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

Virtual class dates:

Here’s our class schedule (registration is for all 5 classes):

1: Friday 10/6 10:30 am – 1:30 pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class One: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System" - Distant Learning- 3 CE

2. Friday 10/13 10:30 am – 1:30 pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Two: Grief Massage Intake and Protocols" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

3. Friday 10/20 10:30 am – 1:30 pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Three: The Grief Massage Sequence" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

4. Friday 10/27 10:30 am – 1:30 pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Four: Emotional Release & Scope of Practice" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

5. Friday 11/4 10:30 am – 1:30 pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Five: Developing Grief Massage Programs" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 9 students)

Class will meet five times online via Zoom (live web conferencing) and you will be encouraged to learn, take notes, share, and reflect during class.

Not only will you be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Details About Mentoring

You will have the opportunity to recieve compassionate, caring, individualized support from Aimee!

This package includes two hour-long mentoring sessions with Aimee at the end of the class series, to explore and discuss your individual vision for offering Grief Massage in your practice. As the creator of this course, an experienced Grief Massage practitioner, and trained counselor, Aimee has the ability to listen, reflect and offer unique insights to empower you on your path to offering Grief Massage in your own way.

Please note that while Aimee is a trained mental health practitioner, she will not be providing any mental health services or therapy during your mentoring session.

Mentoring will focus on integrating the information from the course, visioning how Grief Massage will fit into your current practice, and exploring your unique ideas and inspirations for bringing touch to grieving people in your community.

Important Details About Continuing Education:

Each of the five distant learning courses in the series is approved by the NCBTMB for continuing education.

Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are approved for 3 CE each. The total CE for the entire class series is 15 CE.

You will receive an individual 3 CE certificate for each weekly class completed, not a single certificate for a combined total of 15 CE.

After each weekly class meeting, you will take a short quiz on the subject matter covered. After scoring at least 70% score on the quiz (and evaluating the class) you will receive your CE certificate.

Each class must be attended in its entirety and students are responsible for ensuring their computers, internet access, and Zoom application are in working order.

If a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

If a student misses class or misses a portion of class, the instructor MAY be able to schedule a make-up session but this is not guaranteed, If a makeup session is able to be scheduled, students are responsible to pay the additional tuition ($22 per CE credit hour).

Each class meeting will include a 10 minute break per hour of the course and time is scheduled for students to complete their quiz during the class.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Register for this class series by purchasing a ticket on Eventbrite. Click here to visit our Eventbrite page. Once you have purchased your ticket through Eventbrite, you are officially registered for the entire 5 class series.

Once you have registered and purchased your ticket through Eventbrite, the instructor will contact you within 48 hours via email with welcome information and some optional suggestions to help you prepare for the class.

Please contact the instructor at with any questions once you have registered through Eventbrite.

An electronic class workbook with handouts and fill-in-the-blank forms will be emailed to you prior to the start of the class series.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending each class in its entirety, as well as for ensuring that your computer, internet access, Zoom download/running of the Zoom application are in working order.

The instructor is not responsible for any technical failure, internet connectivity issues, or other factors that may interfere with a student's ability to attend or participate in a scheduled class.

Further, by registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

The deadline to register for this class series is October 1, 2023. However, space for this workshop is limited and once 9 students have registered, the course will be full and registration will end. If all spaces are not filled by October 1, 2023, the registration period may be extended.

Payment and Fee Information:

This package consists of a 5 part small group Zoom training (15 CE) valued at $329 and two 1:1 mentoring sessions valued at $250. Mentoring sessions are 1 hour long, conducted via Zoom, and can be scheduled on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays throughout November and December 2023.

The total cost of this training and mentoring package is $579.

Please note that this price is subject to change at any time.

The current tuition rate breaks down to approximately $22 per class hour for training and $125 per hour for 1:1 individual mentoring.

Payment is due in full at the time of registration and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class) or a technical failure on the part of the instructor that causes class to be cancelled.

In the rare event of such an emergency or technical failure, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of that class.

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency or technical failure on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, every effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

Registration link:

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New Moon Reiki + Intention Setting Circle for Grief Massage Therapists and Teachers
9:40 PM21:40

New Moon Reiki + Intention Setting Circle for Grief Massage Therapists and Teachers

“Called: A Live Gathering” will be a Zoom gathering to honor the power of the new moon in setting intentions for our Grief Massage work. There is no charge for this event.

Aimee will share a simple 10 minute meditation for setting Grief Massage intentions + 10 minutes of distance Reiki to empower all Grief Massage work for the highest good.

Tune in from wherever you are if you are a Grief Massage therapist or teacher (or aspiring one) who wants to align with the greatest possibilities for your work in the coming month.

Zoom link:

Passcode: 105653

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15 CE Grief Massage Training Series - Meets 1/4, 1/11, 1/25, 2/1 & 2/8
to Feb 8

15 CE Grief Massage Training Series - Meets 1/4, 1/11, 1/25, 2/1 & 2/8

UPDATE: The Jan/Feb Zoom class is now full.

Follow us on Instagram (@theinstituteforgriefmassage) or Facebook (@theinstituteforgriefmassage) for alerts when the next registration period opens for a future Zoom class.

“The Joy of Grief Massage” 5 Class Zoom Training Series

Visit our Eventbrite page to register. Click here for the Eventbrite page.

This series meets on Mondays 10 am - 1pm EST on the following dates:

1/4, 1/11, 1/25, 2/1 & 2/8

About this class

In times of deep sorrow and grief, massage therapists can offer tangible comfort.

Massage therapists have unique skills that can be used to create grounding, nourishing physical retreats for heart-broken clients.

If you are a massage therapist with an interest in serving grieving people through touch, this training is for you!

In this "The Joy of Grief Massage" webinar class series, we train students on the importance of witnessing (not “fixing”) grief.

At The Institute for Grief Massage, we help compassionate massage therapists feel skilled, confident and prepared to serve grieving clients.

We help massage therapists learn to hold space, trust the moment, and “just be” with a client. There’s a lot more to Grief Massage than a simple list of techniques or a particular bodywork sequence.

The good news: becoming more grief literate can help you be a much more effective Grief Massage practitioner (as well as an overall more sensitive, empathetic and compassionate human).

Grief Massage asks us to create and hold safe space. We prepare you to do so, while also providing the practical information you expect from any massage therapy continuing education course.

Virtual class dates:

Here’s our class schedule (registration is for all 5 classes):

1: Monday 1/4 10 am – 1 pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class One: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System" - Distant Learning- 3 CE

2. Monday 1/11 10 am – 1pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Two: Grief Massage Intake and Protocols" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

3. Monday 1/25 10 am – 1pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Three: The Grief Massage Sequence" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

4. Monday 2/1 10 am – 1pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Four: Emotional Release & Scope of Practice" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

5. Monday 2/8 10 am – 1pm EST - "The Joy of Grief Massage Class Five: Developing Grief Massage Programs" - Distant Learning - 3 CE

What to expect

This class can be your guide for offering massage to bereaved or grieving clients.

As a small group, we will share insights and experiences, in a warm and accepting atmosphere.

Lecture and discussions will center on the "big picture" (preparing you to offer Grief Massage to your clients and community).

Our comprehensive training will empower your work by covering a wide range of important factors such as:

-empathy for the experience of grieving

-how the physical body responds to loss

-how grieving influences the nervous system

-special considerations for intake and appointment scheduling

-grief and the massage therapy scope of practice/emotional release

-creating a safe space for clients.

-self-care and boundaries

-Grief Massage techniques (including a very simple & calming Grief Massage sequence)

-insights on how to gain experience with Grief Massage

-marketing ideas for sharing this work with your community

Your experience

Learning will be personal.

You will be a part of a very small group (1 instructor and a maximum of 6 students) and upon completion of the training, you will be invited to join our private alumni Facebook group.

Class will meet five times online via Zoom (live web conferencing) and you will be encouraged to learn, take notes, share, and reflect during class.

Not only will you be supported in developing skills to be present with grieving clients, you will also learn specific tools and techniques.

This training will encourage you to meet grieving clients where they are – accepting them just as they are – by letting your presence and touch communicate support and empathy.

Why this class matters

It's so easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed in the face of great suffering.

Do you feel inadequate or ill-equipped to "fix" the pain you see in the world at large or in the faces of those near you?

It's human to want to fix suffering.

But what if the impulse to "fix" the pain of others is actually part of the larger problem?

What if instead of "fixing" grief, you could learn to simply communicate support and acceptance through touch?

What if you, as a massage therapist, could learn to ground yourself, take a deep breath of courageous empathy, and create a space where grievers can rest amid the hard work of grieving?

What if steadfastness, empathy and gentle touch in a safe, respectful and sacred environment were contribution enough?

What if you could embark on the lifelong quest to train your hands and heart to let go of the need to "fix" suffering?

What would that ability bring to the world?

(Whether or not you join this class, you encouraged to ponder those questions and let those questions become a part of your work.)

Important Details

Continuing Education:

Each of the five distant learning courses in the series is approved by the NCBTMB for continuing education.

Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are approved for 3 CE each. The total CE for the entire class series is 15 CE.

You will receive an individual 3 CE certificate for each weekly class completed, not a single certificate for a combined total of 15 CE.

After each weekly class meeting, you will take a short quiz on the subject matter covered. After scoring at least 70% score on the quiz (and evaluating the class) you will receive your CE certificate.

Each class must be attended in its entirety and students are responsible for ensuring their computers, internet access, and Zoom application are in working order.

If a student misses any portion of the class, they will not be eligible to receive their CE certificate.

If a student misses class or misses a portion of class, the instructor MAY be able to schedule a make-up session but this is not guaranteed, If a makeup session is able to be scheduled, students are responsible to pay the additional tuition ($22 per CE credit hour).

Each class meeting will include a 10 minute break per hour of the course and time is scheduled for students to complete their quiz during the class.

Very Important: Please note that while this course is approved by the NCBTMB, it is the sole responsibility of each student to check with their individual state board/licensing body to ensure that the CE from these classes will be accepted toward licensure renewal.

The instructor makes no guarantee that the CE offered in this class will be accepted by any individual state massage board.

New York students: This NCBTMB approved course is NOT sponsored in New York by the NCBTMB and will not be accepted toward license renewal (to the best of our knowledge).

Please also note that this is a training course and not a professional certification. You will earn continuing education credits through this course but will not be certified as a result of taking this introductory course.

Registration Policy:

Register for this class series by purchasing a ticket on Eventbrite. Click here to visit our Eventbrite page. Once you have purchased your ticket through Eventbrite, you are officially registered for the entire 5 class series.

Once you have registered and purchased your ticket through Eventbrite, the instructor will contact you within 48 hours via email with welcome information and some optional suggestions to help you prepare for the class.

Please contact the instructor at with any questions once you have registered through Eventbrite.

An electronic class workbook with handouts and fill-in-the-blank forms will be emailed to you prior to the start of the class series.

By registering for this class series and paying the tuition, you agree to be fully responsible for attending each class in its entirety, as well as for ensuring that your computer, internet access, Zoom download/running of the Zoom application are in working order.

The instructor is not responsible for any technical failure, internet connectivity issues, or other factors that may interfere with a student's ability to attend or participate in a scheduled class.

Further, by registering for this class, you affirm that you are a licensed massage therapist and hold an active massage therapy license (or that you are a massage student and the laws of your governing body allow you to participate in continuing education courses).

Registration Deadline:

The deadline to register for this class series is January 1, 2021. However, space for this workshop is limited and once 6 students have registered, the course will be full and registration will end. If all spaces are not filled by January 1, 2021, the registration period may be extended.

Payment and Fee Information:

The tuition for this 5 week class series (15 CE combined total for the five individual classes) is $329.00. Please note that this price is subject to change at any time.

The current tuition rate breaks down to approximately $22 per class hour.

Payment of tuition is due in full at the time of registration and no refunds will be offered for any reason except in the event of an emergency on the part of the instructor (which causes the instructor to reschedule or cancel class) or a technical failure on the part of the instructor that causes class to be cancelled.

In the rare event of such an emergency or technical failure, the instructor will offer to reschedule the class and/or offer a refund if a makeup class cannot be scheduled.

Please note that, per the attendance policy, if you miss part of any class, you will not be eligible to receive the CE certificate at the end of that class.

Cancellation Policy:

Class will only be cancelled in the event of an emergency or technical failure on the part of the instructor.

In the event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel class, every effort will be made to reschedule the class session. If the cancelled class session cannot be rescheduled, that individual class session will be refunded.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be offered, except in the rare event of an emergency or technical failure that requires the instructor to cancel the class session. If a class session is cancelled, every effort will first be made to reschedule the session.

Only when/if a class session that was cancelled by the instructor cannot be rescheduled will a refund be made available.

The Joy of Grief Massage℠ and Safe and Gentle Grief Massage℠ are service marks of Aimee Joy Taylor/The Institute for Grief Massage Inc℠

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SUMMER Zoom Live Webinar 5 Class Series (3 CE each/15 CE total) - - The Joy of Grief Massage℠
to Sep 7

SUMMER Zoom Live Webinar 5 Class Series (3 CE each/15 CE total) - - The Joy of Grief Massage℠

SATURDAY 7/13: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 7/27: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 8/10: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 8/24: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 9/7: 7-10 AM

Learn the Grief Massage℠ philosophy + approach. This live webinar 5 class series offers education and structure for beginning your work with grieving clients. Class size is limited to 4 students to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere. You will meet with your instructor and classmates every few weeks on Saturday mornings from 7-10 am EST.

Topics include: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System, Grief Massage Intake & Protocols, The Grief Massage Sequence (hands-on practice), Emotional Release & Scope of Practice, and Creating Grief Massage Programs (marketing ideas).

Please visit our Eventbrite page for registration details!!

Aimee Joy Taylor is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider # 521.

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SPRING Zoom Live Webinar 5 Class Series (3 CE each/15 CE total) - - The Joy of Grief Massage℠
to May 18

SPRING Zoom Live Webinar 5 Class Series (3 CE each/15 CE total) - - The Joy of Grief Massage℠

  • Google Calendar ICS

SATURDAY 3/23: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 4/6: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 4/27: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 5/4: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 5/18: 7-10 AM

Learn the Grief Massage℠ philosophy + approach. This live webinar 5 class series offers education and structure for beginning your work with grieving clients. Class size is limited to 4 students to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere. You will meet with your instructor and classmates every few weeks on Saturday mornings from 7-10 am EST.

Topics include: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System, Grief Massage Intake & Protocols, The Grief Massage Sequence (hands-on practice), Emotional Release & Scope of Practice, and Creating Grief Massage Programs (marketing ideas).

Please visit our Eventbrite page for registration details!!

Aimee Joy Taylor is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider # 521.

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MARCH 2019 The Joy of Grief Massage℠ Live Workshop - - 15 CE
to Mar 10

MARCH 2019 The Joy of Grief Massage℠ Live Workshop - - 15 CE

  • Elemental Healing Charlotte (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn the Grief Massage℠ philosophy + approach. This live 2 day workshop offers education and structure for beginning your work with grieving clients. Class size is limited to 6 students to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere.

Topics include: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System, Grief Massage Intake & Protocols, The Grief Massage Sequence (hands-on practice), Emotional Release & Scope of Practice, and Creating Grief Massage Programs (marketing ideas).

Please visit our Eventbrite page for registration details!!

Aimee Joy Taylor is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider # 521.

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WINTER Zoom Live Webinar 5 Class Series (3 CE each/15 CE total) - - The Joy of Grief Massage℠
to Mar 2

WINTER Zoom Live Webinar 5 Class Series (3 CE each/15 CE total) - - The Joy of Grief Massage℠

SATURDAY 1/19: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 2/2: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 2/16: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 2/23: 7-10 AM

SATURDAY 3/2: 7-10 AM

Learn the Grief Massage℠ philosophy + approach. This live webinar 5 class series offers education and structure for beginning your work with grieving clients. Class size is limited to 4 students to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere. You will meet with your instructor and classmates every few weeks on Saturday mornings from 7-10 am EST.

Topics include: Grief, the Body & the Nervous System, Grief Massage Intake & Protocols, The Grief Massage Sequence (hands-on practice), Emotional Release & Scope of Practice, and Creating Grief Massage Programs (marketing ideas).

Please visit our Eventbrite page for registration details!!

Aimee Joy Taylor is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved Provider # 521.

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